Newsletter December 2024

Dear Friends,

I always like to look back before I start looking forward, and I think the Society has achieved a great deal in recent years. The grants make a huge difference and alongside the grand leaps are all the smaller, valuable steps continually taking us onward and upward. We could not be more grateful for your interest and support.. you are part of all that follows, thank you.

  • We created a professional development pilot for Early Childhood Educators, thanks to Julie’s adjustments to DLS for K-3, thanks to Laura’s skills with the elearning platform, thanks to Stacey Smith for presenting online and in person.. and NOW… we now steps are afoot to make DLS for EY more affordable and easily accessible to even more educators! Hopefully this could work for DLS for K-3 too… SOO exciting.

  • Telus STORYHIVE funded our documentary ‘Who Knew: Dyslexia is a Way of Thinking’ which I had the privilege of producing. It was filmed and edited this year, and is now ready to be released in 2025.  Thanks go to Julie and her three students, two of my students and two parents for opening their hearts to the public… most definitely not easy or comfortable, but so sincere and inspiring. I can’t wait to see what will come from sharing it with the world and with fellow Davis Facilitators. Save the Date: March 9, Premiere event, Star Cinema, Sidney BC.. hopefully the first of many !

  • We’ve successfully wrapped up this year’s 'Come to The Dyslexic Table'— a milestone that I was honored to co-host and coordinate, made possible by Sharon’s dedicated writing and creative expertise. The episodes were transformed into podcasts and expertly managed by Tristan, who also kept us informed with regular updates on our stats.

  • Our Newsletter, which is always thoughtfully co-created with Laura continues to be a chronical of milestones and a resource for our community and none of this would happen without Laura keeping us together administratively, financially, creatively, posting on social media.

  • Laura and Julie worked together to bring the bursary (now program sponsorship) application as foolproof and useful as possible, besides interviewing applicants on our behalf.

  • Nadine published two books and went to schools with one of her students and his mom, reading them to students.. a very simple and wonderful way of introducing Davis to educators!

  • Gisa never fails to make valuable connections with Big Sisters and recently with Hollyburn Family Services, all to our benefit!  She managed to secure our pitch to the 100 Women Who Care of the North Shore, attaining close to $10,000!

  • Del is exceptional at resourcing grants, helping us launch them and giving a great deal of thought to reaching university faculty, thanks to his understanding of how their wheels turn. 

  • Maureen joined us adding her support to reaching teacher colleges and the world of autism while Paddy works away at her PhD, adding her academic insights to our grant writing. 

  • Shelley, one of my students’ mothers has been busy helping to collect auction items.. we have a huge list of people we have approached, and the items are arriving slowly but surely. Please do let us know if you have something for the Auction, or know of someone to approach!

  • Our Community program made an appearance this summer, having had to disappear during Covid. 24 of us went on a very beautiful Tall Ship Adventure from Sidney in ideal conditions. We hope to build on this in 2025.

  • Internationally, Laura has been liaising with Claire and Rachel in NewZealand to successfully bring Davis to remedial tutors and parents in Kenya!

We want to share this sweet message with you:

So NEXT YEAR, 2025.. what can we look forward to? 

The documentary premiere, the auction, expanding the DLS for Early Years, connecting with teacher colleges, initiating some independent research, all with the goal of NeuroInclusive education from day one and the demise of as many so-called learning disability labels as possible; more podcasts and more community involvement… maybe even a major sponsor, so we could relinquish our volunteer hours for a while !!!  No pressure 😊..

As you look forward to Christmas holidays and another New Year… we wish you everything you wish for yourselves, we live in exciting times and we thank you for our involvement.. your Board, Sue, Laura, Tristan, Del, Julie, Maureen, Paddy, Sharon, Nadine, Gisa


Newsletter January 2025


Newsletter November 2024