The Teamwork that Makes the Dream Work


Sue Hall, Chair

Sue founded the Society in 2001. She is a licensed Davis Dyslexia Method Facilitator, author of Fish Don't Climb Trees, TEDx Speaker and Producer of the documentary ‘WHO KNEW: Dyslexia is a Way of Thinking. Besides facilitating, Sue loves to Hold the Vision, network, plan events, present Pro D Day sessions and improve the Outreach with free information talks.

Photo~~Ray Shum

Del Coburn, Director

Del is a sociology student and non profit professional with a passion for making the world a better place. They work to realise the potential of our vision as a whole, seeking out and advising on opportunities to grow in our capacity. They are an ardent advocate of the Davis programs and NeuroInclusivity in education and beyond.


Sharon Roberts, Director

Sharon holds our Outreach Vision having witnessed the benefits of the Davis Dyslexia Method Program with both her son and herself. She dreams of the Davis Learning Strategies being fully used in schools in Ontario and she educates the public via articles, podcasts, information sessions and animation film media. Sharon is a licensed Davis Method Facilitator & licensed Davis Autism Approach Facilitator, with a particular interest in Executive Function challenges.

Laura O’Neill, Administrator

A former office manager in the BC School System for 12 years, Laura joined the WDS in 2016 after witnessing the huge success of a Davis Dyslexia Correction Program in her daughter’s life. She is constantly Verifying the Mission, ensuring our accountability, our social media presence, our program sponsorship procedure and much more. She is a passionate advocate of the Davis Method being in the public school system.


Gisa Straith, Director

Gisa has been involved in business management for many years, both in the financial services and luxury retail sectors. She has been involved in mentoring young adults and is currently offering her experience and expertise to women and children related to not-for-profit organizations / She holds our Giving Vision.


Paddy Carson, Director

Paddy is a Davis Method Facilitator in Edmonton, whose son took the program many years ago. Her continued studies in the academic world led to her Research the Vision. She is also passionate about Davis Learning Strategies being in the public school system so the challenges can be avoided.

Julie Brewer, Director

Julie is the mother of a ‘corrected’ dyslexic son and a Montessori pre-school teacher. She brings the wealth of knowledge that she has collected along her parental journey into learning challenges to our Scholastic Vision. She is piloting Davis Learning Strategies for Early Years in her Montessori class with outstanding results.


Nadine Schumont, Director

Nadine’s Davis Method Program changed her life forever. Her personal mission is to help others avoid the same frustrations and feelings of “otherness” that plagued her through much of her life. Nadine is a licensed Davis Method Facilitator in Ontario with a particular love of the ADD and ADHD programs. She has authored two children’s books and has an abundance of energy, enthusiasm and experience which enables her to hold our Corporate Vision.


Tristan Macdonald, Director

Tristan volunteers for the Whole Dyslexic Society having taking a Davis Method Program himself. He found the program to be so useful that he wants others to learn how to embrace their ‘gift of dyslexia’. He loves to Broadcast the Vision as our Podcast Director!


Our History…